About SecurityFireTraining.com

About SecurityFireTraining.com
The WBFAA was formed by the California Alarm Association and the California Automatic Fire Alarm Association. At WBFAA UATC, our goal is to create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and technical skills. The WBFAA provides content, courses and administrative management for Certified Technicians for member companies who are required to complete 32 hours of continuing education every three years to renew their certification. The WBFAA is authorized by the State of California to approve continuing education courses.

At WBFAA UATC, our goal is to create a transformative educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and technical skills. We aspire to be the exemplary comprehensive resource for the security, fire & life safety industry.

The WBFAA UATC courses will promote learning by engaging with students in advancing scholarly inquiry, cultivating critical and creative thought, and generating knowledge. Our active partnerships with local and national communities in the security industry will continually contribute to a sustainable common good.
